Your Conveyancer – Everything you need to know

Are you planning on buying or selling property in Australia? Then you will need the services of a conveyancer in addition to the agent that is helping you sell your current home or purchase a new one. The conveyancer is a licensed professional who deals in real estate law who is licensed in the state or territory in which you are buying or selling. Their job is to advise you and give you the necessary information you need to get through the settlement of the home. They also prepare the documentation for buying and selling the property. Sometimes a conveyancer is even a solicitor.

Whenever you are considering the purchase or sale of property, you should hire a conveyancer as soon as possible. Some states and territories require that you have one on retainer before you even put your home on the market or when you are considering an offer on your home. They will look over all the pertinent documents to make sure they are in accordance with they law. It is their job to protect you and your assets.

What else does a conveyancer do for you? They can:

  • Answer any questions you have on your documentation as well as prepare documentation for you
  • Research the certificate of title for the property involved
  • Look for easements on the property and any other information you need to decide
  • Hold your deposit on property in a trust account on your behalf
  • Calculate the rates and taxes required on buying or selling a home
  • Conduct a property settlement
  • Be your representative when dealing with a real estate agent or Vendor/Purchaser.

There are other aspects of buying and selling property that a conveyancer can handle on your behalf. They are versed in the law surrounding deceased estates, matrimonial and de-facto transfers, transfer of property between family members, land divisions (Torrens and community) and more. Your interest in the property is protected when you use a conveyancer.

There are DIY conveyancer kits on the market, but the problem with being your own conveyancer is not understanding all the nuances in the laws that each state or territory follows. If you make a mistake during the buying or selling process, you are liable for fixing it. It is better to hire a professional and protect yourself instead of potentially putting yourself in the position of dealing with mistakes or oversights.

When you start looking for a conveyancer, compare several before making your final decision. Ask how much they charge for the service you need. Verify that they carry professional indemnity insurance and is licensed or registered in the state or territory in which the transaction is going to take place. Check their references and make sure other have been happy with their services.

By hiring a conveyancer before you begin the buying and selling process, you will be sure there is nothing wrong with the property, your documentation will be in order according to the law, and you will have peace of mind that your transaction will go as smoothly as possible.

Call Key Conveyancing today for all of your conveyancing needs!

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